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Customer Services

If you wish to make some suggestions for improvement as regards our services, please contact us directly at We welcome all feedback and will deal with your suggestions in a timely and confidential manner.


We hope that we have been able to resolve your complaint satisfactorily. However, if you remain unhappy with our response then you can refer your complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is fair, independent, and free to use.

The Ombudsman will ask you for details of your complaint and a copy of this letter/email (our final response to your complaint). The best way to contact the Ombudsman is by:

  • Clicking on the ‘Make A Complaint’ link at
  • Or writing to: Office of the Ombudsman, 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773
  • Or calling the Ombudsman on 01 636 5600 if you have any queries or if you need help making your complaint.

Customer Service Action Plan 2019-2024 – Download here

Customer Charter 2019-2024 – Download here

Protected Disclosures Annual Report

The Protected Disclosures Act 2014 aims to protect people who raise concerns about possible wrongdoing in the workplace.

The Act, which came into effect on 15 July 2014, is often called the whistle-blower legislation. It provides for redress for employees who are dismissed or otherwise penalised for having reported possible wrongdoing in the workplace.

As set out in Statutory Instrument 339 of 2014 Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (Section 7(2)) Order 2014 the Western Development Commission (WDC) is prescribed to be recipients of disclosures of relevant wrongdoings.

The full WDC Protected Disclosures/Whistleblowing Policy Document can be downloaded HERE.

The Protected Disclosures/Whistleblowing Form can be downloaded HERE.

The WDC can confirm that no Protected Disclosures were made to the WDC between the period January 2021 and 31st December 2021.

The WDC can confirm that no Protected Disclosures were made to the WDC between the period 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2022.

The WDC can confirm that no Protected Disclosures were made to the WDC between the period 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023.

The WDC can confirm that no Protected Disclosures were made to the WDC between the period 1st January 2024 to 31st December 2024.



Environmental Policy Statement for Dillon House

The WDC is situated in Dillon House, Ballaghaderreen which is a listed building owned by Roscommon County Council.  The WDC is a Statutory Body under the ageis of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government.  The WDC was set up to promote the Social and Economic Development of the Western.  Counties under the remit of the WDC include, Clare, Donegal, Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon and Sligo.

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The Western Development Commission (WDC) is obliged to comply with the Data Protection Act, 1988 and the Data Protections (Amendment) Act 2003.   The following Guidelines and Procedures outlines the WDC’s commitment to protect the rights and privacy of individuals in accordance with these Acts.

Download the WDC’s GDPR Guidelines

Public Sector Information (PSI)

Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 (SI 279 of 2005)

The Western Development Commission (WDC) complies with the Regulations on the Re-use of Public Sector Information and we encourage the re-use of the information that we produce.

All of the information featured on our website is the copyright of the WDC unless otherwise indicated. You may re-use the information on this website free of charge in any format subject to the latest PSI licence available at the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Portal:

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Code of Conduct

This Code sets out the ethical principles which Members of the Board, Advisory Committees, Management and Staff of WDC have agreed and confirmed through existing Human Resource and Organisational policies, procedures and practices.

Where necessary, it is supplemented with additional policies and procedures to fulfill the requirements of the Code of Ethics for State Bodies.

The Code of Conduct adopted by WDC seeks to

  • Outline the agreed set of ethical principles that will govern our behaviour;
  • Promote and maintain confidence and trust; and prevent the development or acceptance of unethical practices.

Download the WDC’s Code of Conduct

Designated Public Officials under the Lobbying Act 2015

Designated Public Officials Register

The Western Development Commission maintains a register of officials who are authorised to provide information to the public and lobbyists.

Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015

The Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 came into effect on 1st September 2015.  It provides that certain people who are carrying on lobbying activities must register with the Standards in Public Office Commission and must provide information about their lobbying activities. The Register of Lobbying is maintained by the Standards in Public Office Commission and is publicly accessible by visiting the Lobbying website.


The designated public official of the Western Development Commission is as follows:

Mr Allan Mulrooney

Chief Executive Officer

The role of the Chief Executive Officer is to lead, manage, and oversee generally, the administration and operations of the Commission.  The CEO is responsible for the overall management and leadership of the Commission’s resources and supports the Commission in developing and implementing its policies, strategies and objectives particularly those relating to regional development.