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Project Description

Data2Sustain is a European Digital Innovation Hub with a focus on the West and Northwest regions of Ireland, designed to be a central resource for SMEs, public organizations, and other stakeholders, providing them with pre-funded digitalisation services.

Data2Sustain serves as an orchestrator of ecosystems, engaging with a wide array of stakeholders including SME networks, regional skills forums, development agencies, innovation centers, industry clusters, and more. It actively collaborates with the public sector and non-profit organizations, aiming to foster a vibrant and sustainable digital innovation landscape. The hub is designed to be a central point for digital transformation, offering services ranging from digital maturity assessments to advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence solutions.

Project Information
Project Duration:
Funded By:
Project Coordinator:

Project Actions

  • Pre-funded Digitalization Services: Offering comprehensive services to SMEs and public organizations, enabling them to test and invest in digital solutions tailored to their needs. This includes feasibility studies, prototyping, and pilot programs.
  • Skills and Training: Developing and delivering targeted training programs to enhance the digital skills of the workforce in the region. This includes specialized technical training courses and facilitated consultancy workshops.
  • Innovation Ecosystem Building and Networking: Establishing and nurturing connections with various enterprise networks, regional forums, and development agencies to foster a collaborative innovation environment. This involves thematic challenges, partnership delivery, and tech/domain workshops.
  • Governance and Strategic Planning: Ensuring effective management and strategic direction of the EDIH, guided by an executive committee that regularly reviews progress, risks, and opportunities. This includes risk management and strategy agility.

Project Results

  • Accelerated Digital Transformation: Enabling SMEs and public organizations to rapidly adopt and integrate digital technologies into their operations, enhancing competitiveness and sustainability. This transformation is expected to lead to increased productivity and new business opportunities.
  • Strengthened Regional Ecosystem: Establishing the Northern & Western region of Ireland as a vibrant hub for digital innovation, attracting investment and talent. The hub aims to be a model for other regions in terms of digital maturity and sustainability.
  • Knowledge and Best Practices Sharing: Creating a repository of case studies, success stories, and lessons learned, which can be accessed by stakeholders across Europe. This will serve as a valuable resource for organizations embarking on their digital transformation journey.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Fostering strong partnerships between academia, industry, and public sector organizations, leading to synergistic and sustainable growth. The hub acts as a facilitator, connecting various stakeholders and promoting collaborative projects.
  • Funded by the EU Logo
Funded by the EU Logo