On the 29th March the WDC will participate in the final conference of the Blue circular economy (BCE) project in Ålesund, Norway.
Blue Circular Economy is a transnational project co-funded by the EU Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (NPA). Its aim is to support the development of the fishing net waste industry in regions across Europe’s Northern Edge. BCE aims to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) offering products and services within fishing gear recycling solutions in the NPA region to attain a greater market reach. To date it has engaged with many Irish SMEs and related organisations (e.g., Novelplast, OCEANR, BIM etc.). BCE seeks to contribute to sustainable development in the NPA region at the economic, environmental, and social levels.
As such interested parties in the area of marine plastic waste are invited to attend online this hybrid event. Topics to be discussed by SMEs and Project stakeholders include:
- Creating Business Opportunities from the Reuse and Recycling of Fishing Nets
- How Utilize Waste Fishing Gear in Construction Material
- Sustainable Waste Management Solutions to Marine Litter
- Marine Plastic Waste Collection in Greenland
- Value Chains for Fishing Gear – Irish Perspective
- Global Developments related to Waste and ‘End of Life’ Fishing Gear
The Final Conference will start at 9:00am CET, on 29th March in Ålesund, Norway. As it is a hybrid format the conference will also be available via Zoom.
Register HERE