WDC project Spot-lit.eu was showcased at this years NPA conference which took place in county Sligo on 27th October 2021.
The subject of the Spot-lit session was: Natural and Cultural Heritage: – How can NPA projects protect and develop wider territorial synergies through natural and cultural heritage?. Download the Spot-lit presentation Making a Virtue of Peripherality HERE. View the Visual Summary of the Natural and Cultural Session HERE.
The conference opened with a welcome message from Mr Michael McGrath, Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. The hybrid event (online and in Sligo) was hosted by the Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA). While online viewers participated in the thematic sessions, the audience in Sligo joined a panel discussion about participation in the future Interreg NPA 2021-2027 programme.
ICBAN (Irish Central Border Area Network) and the WDC realised that our shared literary heritage had great potential to bring visitors and economic benefits to our regions.
Mary Keaveney, WDC

A summary of the conference, as well as the speakers’ presentations and visual summaries of the sessions are available on the event webpage.