WDC project Spot-lit will feature at this years Northern Periphery and Arctic Annual Event hosted by NP 2014-2020 on Wednesday 27th October at 11am in county Sligo.
The NPA Annual Event 2021 will look at the recent developments in the Northern Periphery and Arctic, including the transformative changes triggered by the pandemic, and how they are addressed by the NPA projects and can be addressed in the future programme.
Spot-lit is An NPA funded project that aims to grow the literary tourism sector in the Northern Periphery and Arctic region by supporting the organisations and businesses in this culturally-rich region to grow collaborate and better engage audiences together.
At the event, the Spot-lit project are hosting a networking session: Natural and Cultural Heritage: – How can NPA projects protect and develop wider territorial synergies through natural and cultural heritage?
The session will look at Literary/Cultural Tourism, taking into account the solutions developed by projects including Spot-lit throughout 2014-2020 programme and discuss how future NPA projects can contribute to the objectives of the new programme NPA 2021-2027. The Conference will broadcast from The Model, in Sligo, where the conference will take place in person for a local audience.

Beyond the event, the future of Spot-lit is very bright. In collaboration with project partner Kajaani University of Applied Sciences 14 mobile phone apps have been developed across the partner regions. Ireland’s Literary West: To The Words & The Wild’ is a Digital App will launch later this year and will showcase the literary and cultural attractions along Ireland’s West Coast. It includes information about theatre, music, poetry readings, seminars, book launches, performances, workshops, competitions, screenings, talks, crafts, walks, tours and visitor facilities. These apps put literary tourism in the NPA on the map in a very literal way.